Participatory Budgeting

PB 2023: Bayview Village
A huge thank you to everyone who came out to vote in our Bayview Village Participatory Budgeting process! I am excited to announce the results of our vote day. In total, all of the projects on the ballot received 396 votes!
The winning projects are:
Improved Pathway in Blue Ridge Park: $90,000
Improved Stairs at Clarinda Park: $100,000
Fitness Equipment at Clarinda Park: $100,000
Bayview Village Street Signs: $70,000
Improved Seating at Rean Park: $15,000
Improved Planters at Bayview Village Entrances: $20,000
Improved Seating at Bayview Village Park: $15,000
Additional Benches at Elkhorn Park: $10,000
Historical Plaque at Thomas Clarke House: $10,000
A special thanks goes out to our project champions who helped spread the word about the PB process and brought so many neighbours out to our vote days.
Moving forward, my office and I will be working with City staff to action the winning projects. Any and all updates will be communicated via my weekly E-Blast.
If you have any questions about these results, please contact my office at councillor_carroll@toronto.ca.

Participatory Budgeting:
Frequently Asked Questions
Each Participatory Budgeting process has its own geographic boundaries. For example, the most recent PB process was open to any residents ages 14 and older living in Bayview Village (south of Finch Avenue, east of Bayview Avenue, west of Leslie Street, North of the 401).
For each PB process, we will specify the boundaries in which you are eligible to vote.