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Traffic Safety Improvements

Last year, Interim Geometric Safety Improvements (IGSI) were installed at the intersection of Marowyne Dr & Glentworth Rd.


These changes are intended to reduce the speed at which cars make turns at this intersection and put an end to rolling stops, making it safer for all road users. This location was selected after several local residents expressed concern with the speed at which cars were travelling around this bend.


These are "interim" changes that are intended to stay in place until construction can take place to make permanent changes to the intersection. As these are interim changes , City staff will continue to observe and evaluate the effectiveness of these measures. Please feel free to share any feedback on these changes with the Vision Zero team at to help inform the permanent changes that will eventually be made here.



Previous to the IGSI installation, the intersection looked like this:

As shown above, the southwest corner of the intersection has a very large curve. This curve encouraged drivers to take turns at high speeds, which made the intersection less safe for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

Quick-Build Safety Improvements


The following Quick-Build Safety Improvements (QBSI) were implemented at Glentworth & Marowyne to address the above issues:

  • Curb radii reductions / curb extensions to encourage drivers to turn at a slower speed.

  • Normalizing the approach of Glentworth Road to Marowyne Drive to as close to 90 degrees as possible, allowing drivers better sightlines and reducing blind spots.

  • Removing excess pavement area to reduce the crossing distance and exposure to traffic, for both pedestrians and cyclists.

More details are shown in the presentation below:

Frequently Asked Questions

Designs are completed per the City's Engineering Guidelines, and aim to improve safety for all road users. Changes to intersection geometrics are tested using computer-aided drafting tools in order to ensure that all vehicles can be safely accommodated.

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